Play It Loud

Eric Clapton Lead Guitar Style Lesson

In this lesson, I reveal all the secrets to “Slowhand’s” guitar style!

There’s a lot more to playing the type of lead guitar melodies Clapton does so masterfully. Instead of focusing on playing a little less fast, you must go deep into his chord structures and his note choices.

That’s why I’m taking you through 20 pages and an hour’s worth of videos & examples covering each period.

We’ll dive into songs from his Cream era like “Crossroads,” then we’ll go to his Derek & Dominoes album with “Layla” and other songs, and then solo hits such as “I Shot The Sheriff” and “Wonderful Tonight.”

Many guitar players can’t appreciate his style because it’s not as flashy as others. The richness in his lead guitar style comes from the way he creates his fills, chooses the notes in his solos, and works against the chord progressions that are not your typical 12 bar blues.

After you’re done with this lesson, you’ll be armed with the techniques, theory concepts, and phrasing techniques that have made Clapton one of the most celebrated guitar players of all time.


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