
Play It Loud

What Scales Work Over What Chords?

One of the most common stumbling blocks every aspiring guitarist encounters is knowing how to choose a scale to solo with. However many of you probably have no idea which scales to use with what chords……. So I wrote this article to give you a couple of examples that’ll not only explain this process, but […]

A Big Chord Secret That’ll Reveal How To Play Like Jimi Hendrix

There is absolutely, positively, no un-godly way you know these chords I’m about to show you! These are the shapes no glossy, colorful chord book you purchased at Barnes & Noble will have, and that’s because the people who made these books decided that they’re too tough for you to use. Can you believe the […]

How To Play Melodies From Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker On Guitar Tab

Have you ever tried adapting one of your favorite classical tunes on the guitar, or do you just wish that more of them were available on guitar tabs? Well mine aren’t perfect, but I believe these will hold over a few people especially if you’re also a Tchaikovsky fan like me! In this article, I […]

9 Unconventional Girl Guitar Songs You Can Play Now

The guitar repertoire has been dominated for a long time by the boys, and this is mostly due to the fact that guitar songs enjoyed by the girls isn’t playable on the guitar most of the time. Music that typically relates to many girls like Whitney Houston, Britney Spears, Rihanna, and Lady Gaga is made […]

6 Of The Guitar’s Biggest Problems Today

The guitar is starting to get left behind in the music world. All of our musings on scales, Hendrix, and the degradation of the “mainstream” are causing a seriously unhealthy outlook on the reality of the industry, while helping us put aside the fact that the instrument is becoming irrelevant. Blasphemy you say??? Hardly. I […]