Why “Practicing” Is The Worst Guitar Advice Ever: How To Really Practice To Get Good At Guitar
Whenever I’ve posted a tip on a guitar group, or promoted one of my courses, I almost always get some holier than thou picker who thinks it can demolish any discussion by saying…… PRACTICEEEEEEEEE!!! “Just practice bro like it ain’t that hard bro get your style bro stop trying so hard bro” likelikelikelikelikelikelike what do […]
The Difference Between Major And Minor Pentatonic Guitar Scales: Finally Explained In English
I’ve known about the difference between major pentatonics and minor pentatonic for a long time, but I had no idea how to properly use each guitar scale until the last couple of years. That’s why I want to teach you about the difference between major and minor pentatonic as you are probably just as confused […]
Best Guitar Courses Online: Why I Created The PIL Method Guitar Course
Way back in 2010, I started researching the very first guitar course I made for Play It Loud (PIL), and looking back now 14 years later…. I can’t believe what I discovered after scouring through hundreds of books, magazines, and other guitar courses online to make the PIL Method as it is now. […]
13 Guitarists You Should Start Learning From
Lots of people argue about the best guitarists ever, as well as the most technical and the best songwriter/guitarists. My philosophy is to not restrict yourself when it comes to guitar playing. You can both build up your chops, and learn how to make better music. Those two things are not one and the same!!! […]
How To Use Guitar Scales: A Guide To A Misunderstood Concept
How To Use Guitar Scales: A Guide To A Misunderstood Concept There’s a fairly consistent theme I’ve found when anyone new to guitar scales comes to articles like this one….. Why should you learn guitar scales and what on earth are scales used for? One of the first things I did when I […]