Play It Loud

Guitar Music Theory Demystified For Only $27

Start Seeing The Inner Workings Of The Fretboard & Your Favorite Songs, Riffs, & Solos In This Crazy Fast Theory Course. I'll Show You Each & Every Musical Theory Concept You'll Ever Need So You Can Start Having A Systematic Approach To Better Improvisation, Better Songwriting, and Learning Songs By Ear Even Faster Than Ever!

Own This Practical, Useful Guide To Music Theory Made Specifically For Guitar Players Who Have Been Confused For Years. The Road To Becoming A Better Songwriter, Guitarist, & Musician Starts And Ends Here.....

Here's Where Most
Players Are At
When They Start
Trying To
Make Sense Of
Music Theory

Here's Where You'll Be After Just A Few Hours When Looking At A Guitar Tab.......

And Here's Where You'll Be After You've Started Using This Criminally Ignored Musical Tool......

Here's Why My Course Makes Learning Guitar Music Theory Easier Than Ever

😱 I start with just the note E, and build out the whole system of music theory from intervals to musical keys and chromatic harmony. No mountains of unrelated scale patterns and chord shapes!

😱 I made a series of 30 plus exercises to help you start applying music theory and seeing these musical relationships you already know and love. When you can see intervals and scale patterns at work in the songs you want to emulate, you can play like any guitarist you want and learn from any song how its made. 

😱 And I do this by using guitar tabs and no sheet music. My goal isn’t to confuse you or make this any harder than it has to be. You will become the guitarist that you and others have always dreamed of but never knew how to become!

Here's What Genres And Artists You Can Start Prying The Musical Secrets From After You Go Through This Course.....

🎸 Rock! =  Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, & Many Others

🎸 Blues! = BB King, Muddy Waters, Eric Clapton, Johnny Winter, Son House, Robert Johnson

🎸 Country! = Garth Brooks, Hank Williams, George Jones, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton

🎸 Metal! = Judas Priest, Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Slayer, King Diamond

🎸 Pop! = Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Post Malone

Anything you want!

Here's How I've Changed The Lives Of So Many Who Almost Ignored Music Theory Until They Found Me

Most guitar players have a flawed misunderstanding of guitar music theory and how to use it. 

For most of you, especially beginner guitar players, it’s been too confusing to learn at all! 

Or you think that relying on your ear is enough……it’s not!

The mere mention of the words “music theory” creates fear and anxiety in a lot of guitar players I’ve known…….

On top of that, most books and youtube videos oversimplify this body of knowledge and make the concepts unusable. 

If you’ve heard of, or attempted to learn, “the modes” then you know exactly what I’m talking about…….


Music theory is a lot more than scale patterns and chord shapes……..

It’s not licks and it’s not just arpeggios to sweep pick……

And it’s not a bunch of strict rules that you must follow!

Music theory is a system of knowledge we use to understand how music is made. 

That’s it! 

And in my course, I’m going to teach you how to do just that. 

I can confidently say that my course is one of the simplest you’ll ever find. 

It’s also made just for guitar players! No sheet music is going to be found anywhere. 

Only guitar tabs!

And I take you from knowing nothing at all…… having a system you can use to understand any piece of music that comes in front of you!

Your ear plus this knowledge will make you unstoppable.

If You Take The Time To Learn This Material And Read This Short Book On Guitar Music Theory…….Your Playing Will Go To Levels You Never Imagined It Could Go.

Imagine this. 

You have a book of your favorite band’s tabs, or a guitar-pro file on your computer screen. 

You’ll look at the riffs, and you understand how the rhythm is formed. This way, you can see exactly how to play it correctly and match it to what you hear on the record. 

You’ll look at the chords, and you understand why they work so well together. Also, since you’ll know a lot about how chords are made and work, you can see lots of other ways to play any chord progression. 

You look at the solo, and know exactly what scales, intervals, and chord tones to use and not to use. (that is, if you want to emulate that player’s style) You’ll take these phrases and nuances and then they’ll start to become a part of your guitar style now.

If you want to write a chord progression or melody similar to your favorite band, then you just learn how the music works, according to the concepts in the system I will teach you!

Here's How Exactly You're Going To Learn Music Theory In Just A Few Hours

By using just the note E, I’ll show you how intervals build scales and chords, which build musical keys, which then makes chord progressions. 

I’ll then show you how to create some of the more complex kinds of musical harmonies by just using this simple system I laid out for you. This way you’ll gain a deeper insight into songwriting and soloing that few others will ever have. 

Finally, I’ll help you start using this stuff asap through my exercises built to help you start identifying and creating these musical sounds and relationships. No other course I’ve found help you use this stuff and my goal is to get you to use theory to make actual music!

Now.....What's Included In The 1 Hour Beginner Guitar Method:

✅ Tabs of every single musical interval so that you can start seeing how they make chords and scales

✅ How to remember scale formulas and the notes in a chord with ease after gaining the ability to see how they’re made. You’ll be prepared to navigate any song and solo over most anything!

✅ I’ll go through nearly every kind of chord so that you can see how they’re all related by one or two quick note changes. You’ll never need a chord book ever again!

✅ My 30 essential theory exercises that I made so that everyone can start using this information to study the songs and solos they love the most, and start emulating them right away!

✅ Free bonus pdfs that illustrate many of these musical relationships so you’ll have an easy reference to them later on. This will help you better apply them when you have an image that lays out these relationships clearly!

Frequently Asked Questions

My name’s Matt and I run this site you’re on now, Play It Loud. I’ve been an instructor for over 10 years and have been playing for 22 years now. 

Look I know this seems to good to be true. I’m not promising I’ll turn you into Jimi Hendrix or John Petrucci. I’m promising that you’ll learn the guitar in the fastest and easiest way possible without an instructor or scrolling hundreds of YouTube Videos.

Yes! Every single great guitar player was where you are now. The ones who learn and get really good have internalized the stuff I’m revealing in this course. Don’t listen to anyone who says you can’t play because you’re not ready to play Wembley or Madison Square Garden yet.

If you go through this, show me a video of your playing, and you’re not satisfied with your progress, then yes I’ll give you your money back. However I need the video, and I can only make this guarantee in 14 days. The only way you’ll not play the guitar is if you don’t use what I teach you. 

All you have to do is take 1 hour to read the pdf doc I’ll give you access to. Then you’ll choose a few songs that are suitable for a beginner, and practice them for a few minutes. To do that though, you must click one of the yellow buttons on this page!